Youth from SDA Pathfinders Gain Environmental Awareness
A group of 32 volunteers from Immanuel Temple, Raleigh and Gethsemane SDA Pathfinders, a Christian church-based youth organization, came to the lake on September 30th. Carl McDonald, the coordinator of the Immanuel Temple group, explained that the goal was to do a community service project to increase their environmental awareness.
Litter was targeted at a popular Wildlife Resources Commission Fishing Access off Big Woods Rd. called the Rock Quarry and also at another cove access just to the north near Dalton Dr. Youth led by adults removed 20 bags bags of trash along with other large objects including a small inflatable boat and mildewed pillows, blankets and sleeping bags.
Carl McDonald wrote to Clean Jordan Lake after the event to say "Our kids loved the opportunity to take that first step towards making a difference. They also realized, based on discussions afterwards, that it takes a lot more than a few hours [once in a while] to maintain a healthy environment." The wonderful news is that Immanuel Temple SDA Pathfinders will volunteer again!