Chapel Hill-Carrboro YMCA Teen EDGE Camp Cleanup



Counselors Maria and John from the Chapel Hill Carrboro YMCA Teen EDGE (Enriching Dreams & Guiding Experiences) Camp brought 23 young teens to the lake on August 2, 2013. The teens learned how trash comes from as far away as Greensboro to rest in the woods of Wilderness Island along the edge of the Haw River Arm.  They were amazed to see basketballs, softballs, tennis balls and footballs in the mess.  This same area had been cleared of trash by other CJL volunteers last fall.  However, the heavy rain from Tropical Storm Andrea in June deposited yet more.



The group not only picked up 24 bags of trash but also 8 tires from the wooded area behind a shoreline distance of only about 1/4 mile. But this load was far less than previous cleanup work had removed because thankfully our volunteers can keep up with the incoming trash.



We look forward to a return next summer of more teens from the Chapel Hill-Carrboro YMCA program.