GlaxoSmithKline Returns for 7th Community Service
On Oct. 21, 13 volunteers from GlaxoSmithKline spent their Orange Day of Community Service, a corporate wide program, with us for the 7th year! They cleared the 35 bags of trash and 2 tires from the same area they cleaned last fall. Much of the new trash was brought by the flushing action of Hurricane Matthew in the watershed. As proof of how far trash is carried, a drinking cup imprinted with "Greensboro Grasshoppers" , the minor league baseball team, was picked up. At the end of the event, the GSK group leader, Jack DeCicco, asked participants to complete the following sentence: I volunteer because...
The responses were wonderful. One in particular resonates with our concern for educating the next generation. This volunteer wrote "I want to be a role model for my kids"
Thanks GSK for your great work once again!