A Cleaner Third Fork Creek Eliminates Trash to Jordan Lake


We offered a cleanup of Third Fork Creek as our contribution to Durham Creek Week. This was the third year of our participation.

Because of our own Covid-19 protocol, the number of volunteer was limited. The slots filled immediately upon posting at meetup.com/helpcleanjordanlake. The productivity of 15 volunteers was far greater than the usual 3 bags per person! 100 bags of trash and 9 tires were removed- that’s close to 7 bags per person!. The volunteers worked tirelessly to haul them from the creek to the edge of the Durham Public Works Operation Center parking lot.

They cleared trash from perhaps 200 to 300 yds of creek banking on both sides of the MLK Parkway bridge as well as up the banking to the roadway.

Special thanks to Keep Durham Beautiful for providing the bags and safety vests and to Bob Brueckner and Michael Sojka (new CJL Board member) for their help in leading the volunteers.

Much more volunteering is needed on Third Fork Creek. We hope that we can get a Durham group to take this on in our Adopt-A-Feeder Stream Program. Intercepting trash here lessens the burden on Jordan Lake, obviously.

Francis DiGiano