Our Accomplishments in 2020

Accomplishments 2020.png

We take a look back at the cleanup accomplishments of our volunteers in 2020. Despite fewer and smaller cleanups because of Covid-19, the results are still impressive.

The 27 groups in our Adopt-A-Shoreline Program and 4 in our Adopt-A-Feeder Stream Program were mostly able to do at least one cleanup. In 61 cleanups, 315 volunteers collected 605 bags of trash and 41 tires. In addition to these, another 122 volunteers from organizations and the general public participated in 12 Small Group Cleanups collecting 279 bags of trash and 7 tires.

We very much missed hosting our usual Annual Spring and Fall Cleanups as well as those many organizations that typically volunteer with us. The bar graph comparing cleanups in 2019 and 2020 clearly shows that our productivity suffered greatly without having these events.

We'll continue to offer Small Group Cleanups as explained at our website. The volunteer slots have filled up quickly for each of five such events offered since Fall.

We greatly appreciate the work of our volunteers under difficult circumstances. Like everyone, we're hopeful for a return to normalcy perhaps in the latter half of 2021.

To donate, please visit: http://www.cleanjordanlake.org/donate

We also ask you to consider several ways to volunteer in 2021:

  • participate in our semi-annual cleanups

  • join our Adopt-A-Shoreline Program (5+ people, 3 times/yr., designated section)

  • join our Adopt-A-Feeder Stream Program (5+ people, 3 times/yr., designated stream)

  • join our board and organizing committees

Clean Jordan Lake's long term goal is trash prevention in the watershed and at the shoreline. We are excited about 2021!

Francis DiGiano